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September 17, 2021
min read

4 Easy Steps To Pack Artwork for Your Move

For all smaller artwork that can easily fit into a moving box, wrap them in packing paper or clothing and pack with other items. For larger artwork, usually 60x90 cm, a dedicated picture carton should be used. If you don’t have access to one, the following steps will walk you through an alternative method.

  1. Select a moving box that is larger than your artwork when you flatten it out.
  2. Choose an open end and close it with tape.  This will allow you to slide your artwork in.
  3. Wrap your artwork in bubble wrap and then finish off by wrapping with packing paper.
  4. Slide the wrapped artwork into the open side of your moving box and seal the last opening with tape.

A pro tip: Place loose paper on each side of the artwork to prevent it from moving around during transportation.

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